Package org.rhq.core.domain.content

Class Summary
Architecture Describes compatibility between Resources and Packages.
Channel A channel represents a set of related PackageVersions.
ChannelContentSource This is the many-to-many entity that correlates a channel with a content source that will fill the channel with package versions.
ChannelContentSourcePK This is the composite primary key for the ChannelContentSource entity.
ChannelPackageVersion This is the many-to-many entity that correlates a channel with one of the package versions it contains.
ChannelPackageVersionPK This is the composite primary key for the ChannelPackageVersion entity.
ContentServiceRequest Represents a user initiated request against an agent's content subsystem.
ContentSource Represents a real connection to an external source system.
ContentSourceSyncResults Represents the results of a content source sync request.
ContentSourceType Defines an adapter that can speak to a particular external package source.
InstalledPackage Represents a specific package that is installed on a resource.
InstalledPackageHistory Audit trail entity for tracking the results of an individual package request made on a resource.
Package Represents a package inventoried in the system.
PackageBits Contains the actual package contents ("the bits") for a particular PackageVersion.
PackageDetails Content source plugin representation of a package.
PackageDetailsKey Contains the data necessary to describe a specific version of a package.
PackageInstallationStep Domain representation of the steps used to install a package.
PackageType Defines a type of Package that can exist in the system.
PackageVersion Represents a specific version of a Package.
PackageVersionContentSource This is the many-to-many entity that correlates a package version with the content source that was responsible for delivering that package.
PackageVersionContentSourcePK This is the composite primary key for the PackageVersionContentSource entity.
ProductVersionPackageVersion This is the many-to-many entity that correlates a product version with one of the package versions that are applicable to it.
ProductVersionPackageVersionPK This is the composite primary key for the ProductVersionPackageVersion entity.
ResourceChannel This is the many-to-many entity that correlates a channel with one of its subscribers.
ResourceChannelPK This is the composite primary key for the ResourceChannel entity.

Enum Summary
ContentRequestStatus Indicates the current state of a request.
ContentRequestType Indicates the operation attempted in a content request.
DownloadMode Determines how a content source's package bits are downloaded.
InstalledPackageHistoryStatus Indicates if an InstalledPackage is in use on the resource or is a historical entry.
PackageCategory Represents the major supported categories for packages.

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