Package org.rhq.core.domain.content.transfer

Class Summary
ContentDiscoveryReport Transfer object used to send InstalledPackages from the Resource to the server.
DeletePackagesRequest Transfer object used to carry information about a request to delete packages from a resource.
DeployIndividualPackageResponse Contains the data necessary to describe the result of deploying a single package.
DeployPackagesRequest Transfer object used to carry information about a request to deploy packages to a resource.
DeployPackageStep Represents a step that will be take in the installation of a package.
ResourcePackageDetails Contains data to describe a package that has been (or is in the process of being) installed on a resource.
RetrievePackageBitsRequest Transfer object used to carry information about a request to retrieve package contents from a resource.

Enum Summary
ContentResponseResult Describes the result of a content operation executed on a plugin.

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