Class CallTimeData

  extended by org.rhq.core.domain.measurement.calltime.CallTimeData
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class CallTimeData
extends Object
implements Serializable

Call-time data for a set of calls to a particular service (e.g. a webapp or a session EJB) over a certain time span. Plugins report call-time metric data by creating one CallTimeData for each requested schedule and adding it to the MeasurementReport provided by the plugin container.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
CallTimeData(MeasurementScheduleRequest schedule)
          Create a new CallTimeData.
Method Summary
 void addAggregatedCallData(String destination, Date beginTime, Date endTime, double minimum, double maximum, double total, long count)
          Add data for a set of calls to the specified destination within the specified time interval.
 void addCallData(String destination, Date beginTime, long duration)
          Add data for a call to the specified destination.
 int getScheduleId()
 Map<String,CallTimeDataValue> getValues()
          Returns a map that maps call destinations to the associated call-time data.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public CallTimeData(MeasurementScheduleRequest schedule)
Create a new CallTimeData.

schedule - the schedule for which this data was collected
Method Detail


public void addCallData(@NotNull
                        String destination,
                        Date beginTime,
                        long duration)
Add data for a call to the specified destination.

destination - the call destination
beginTime - the time when the call was initiated
duration - the duration of the call, in milliseconds


public void addAggregatedCallData(@NotNull
                                  String destination,
                                  Date beginTime,
                                  Date endTime,
                                  double minimum,
                                  double maximum,
                                  double total,
                                  long count)
Add data for a set of calls to the specified destination within the specified time interval.

destination - the call destination
beginTime - ...
endTime - ...
minimum - ...
maximum - ...
total - ...
count - ...


public int getScheduleId()


public Map<String,CallTimeDataValue> getValues()
Returns a map that maps call destinations to the associated call-time data.

a map that maps call destinations to the associated call-time data

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