Package org.rhq.core.domain.operation

Class Summary
HistoryJobId Simple object that encapsulates the individual pieces of data that make up an individual invocation of an operation job ID.
JobId Simple object that encapsulates the individual pieces of data that make up an operation job ID.
OperationDefinition The definition of a JON operation.
OperationHistory The entity that represents an operation invocation that is either in progress or has completed.
OperationScheduleEntity The entity that represents an operation schedule as persisted in the database.
ResourceOperationHistory Information on a specific operation execution on a particular resource.
ResourceOperationScheduleEntity Information on a specific operation schedule on a particular resource.
ScheduleJobId This class is a mutable version of JobId and is used as the primary key to the OperationScheduleEntity entities.

Enum Summary
OperationRequestStatus Simple statuses for operation invocation requests.

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