Class ResourceFacets

  extended by org.rhq.core.domain.resource.composite.ResourceFacets
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ResourceFacets
extends Object
implements Serializable

The set of facets a Resource supports - used to determine which quicknav icons and tabs to display in the UI.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
ResourceFacets(boolean measurement, boolean configuration, boolean operation, boolean content, boolean callTime)
Method Summary
 boolean isCallTime()
          Does this resource expose any call-time metrics?
 boolean isConfiguration()
          Does this resource expose its configuration?
 boolean isContent()
          Does this resource expose any content?
 boolean isMeasurement()
          Does this resource expose any metrics?
 boolean isOperation()
          Does this resource expose any operations?
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ResourceFacets(boolean measurement,
                      boolean configuration,
                      boolean operation,
                      boolean content,
                      boolean callTime)
Method Detail


public boolean isMeasurement()
Does this resource expose any metrics? (currently not used for anything in the GUI, since the Monitor and Alert tabs are always displayed).

true if the resource exposes any metrics, false otherwise


public boolean isConfiguration()
Does this resource expose its configuration? If so, the Configure tab will be displayed in the GUI.

true if the resource exposes its configuration, false otherwise


public boolean isOperation()
Does this resource expose any operations? If so, the Operations tab will be displayed in the GUI.

true if the resource exposes its operations, false otherwise


public boolean isContent()
Does this resource expose any content? If so, the Content tab will be displayed in the GUI.

true if the resource exposes its content, false otherwise


public boolean isCallTime()
Does this resource expose any call-time metrics? If so, the Call Time sub-tab will be displayed in the GUI.

true if the resource exposes any call-time metrics, false otherwise

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