Interface MeasurementFacet

public interface MeasurementFacet

Implementations of this facet perform the collection of measurement data that is emitted from a monitored resource. Resource components expose this interface when it has one or more metrics that it exposes.

Method Summary
 void getValues(MeasurementReport report, Set<MeasurementScheduleRequest> metrics)
          Collects measurement data emitted from monitored resources and returns that data in a measurement report.

Method Detail


void getValues(MeasurementReport report,
               Set<MeasurementScheduleRequest> metrics)
               throws Exception
Collects measurement data emitted from monitored resources and returns that data in a measurement report. All collected data will be added to the given report.

The key to the improvement in metric collection performance and reduction in monitoring overhead is to take advantage of the situations where a single remote call can return more than one piece of data; e.g. a JMX MBean getAttributes call, or a database select.

TODO GH: So far this is limited to multi-collections by a single resource. Could support cross-resource collections too?

report - the report where all collected measurement data will be added
metrics - the schedule of what needs to be collected when
Exception - if the component failed to obtain one or more values

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