Interface OperationServices

public interface OperationServices

This interface is used by a plugin to communicate back into the plugin container for operations related tasks.

Method Summary
 OperationServicesResult invokeOperation(OperationContext context, String name, Configuration operationParameters, long timeout)
          Synchronously invokes an operation on the resource.

Method Detail


OperationServicesResult invokeOperation(OperationContext context,
                                        String name,
                                        Configuration operationParameters,
                                        long timeout)
Synchronously invokes an operation on the resource. The resource against which the operation will be executed is specified as part of the OperationContext. The name of the operation must correspond to an operation defined in the plugin descriptor for resources of the associated resource's type.

context - passed into the OperationFacet at startup, this is used to identify the resource against which the operation will run
name - name of the operation being run; this must be the same name as an operation defined in the plugin descriptor
operationParameters - any parameters necessary to invoke the operation; these parameters are defined in the operation definition in the plugin descriptor
timeout - time in seconds to wait before cancelling the operation; must be > 0.
result object describing the results of invoking the operation; will not be null

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