Package org.rhq.core.system

Interface Summary
SystemInfo Interface of all native system info objects plus the "non-native" generic JavaSystemInfo object.

Class Summary
AggregateProcessInfo Tracks the historical usage for child processes as they come and go to give an estimation of the total resources used by a process and all its children, past and present.
CpuInformation Provides native information on a specific CPU.
FileSystemInfo Information about a mounted file system.
JavaSystemInfo This is the "non-native" fallback implementation of a SystemInfo used in the case when there is no native library available that can be used to obtain low-level system information.
NativeSystemInfo The superclass for all the native SystemInfo implementations.
NetworkAdapterInfo Provides information on a network adapater.
ProcessExecution Provides information on what process to execute and how to execute it.
ProcessExecutionResults Encapsulates the results of a process that was executed via SystemInfo.executeProcess(ProcessExecution).
ProcessInfo Encapsulates information about a known process.
ServiceInfo Encapsulates information about a known service.
SystemInfoFactory Builds SystemInfo objects based on the native operating system the VM is running on.
WindowsNativeSystemInfo SystemInfo implementation for the Microsoft Windows operating system platform.

Enum Summary
OperatingSystemType The types of platforms that are natively supported.

Exception Summary

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