Interface EventPoller

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface EventPoller

A class that polls at a designated interval for Events of a specific type from a specific source.

Method Summary
 String getEventType()
          Returns the type of event (i.e. the EventDefinition name) that this poller checks for.
 Set<Event> poll()
          Poll for new Events (i.e.

Method Detail


String getEventType()
Returns the type of event (i.e. the EventDefinition name) that this poller checks for.

the type of event (i.e. the EventDefinition name) that this poller checks for


Set<Event> poll()
Poll for new Events (i.e. Events that have occurred since the last time poll() was called).

any new Events (i.e. Events that have occurred since the last time poll() was called)

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