Class LogFileEventPoller

  extended by org.rhq.core.pluginapi.event.log.LogFileEventPoller
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class LogFileEventPoller
extends Object
implements EventPoller

An Event poller that polls a log file for new entries.

Constructor Summary
LogFileEventPoller(EventContext eventContext, String eventType, File logFile, LogEntryProcessor entryProcessor)
Method Summary
 String getEventType()
          Returns the type of event (i.e. the EventDefinition name) that this poller checks for.
 String getSourceLocation()
 Set<Event> poll()
          Poll for new Events (i.e.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public LogFileEventPoller(EventContext eventContext,
                          String eventType,
                          File logFile,
                          LogEntryProcessor entryProcessor)
Method Detail


public String getEventType()
Description copied from interface: EventPoller
Returns the type of event (i.e. the EventDefinition name) that this poller checks for.

Specified by:
getEventType in interface EventPoller
the type of event (i.e. the EventDefinition name) that this poller checks for


public String getSourceLocation()


public Set<Event> poll()
Description copied from interface: EventPoller
Poll for new Events (i.e. Events that have occurred since the last time poll() was called).

Specified by:
poll in interface EventPoller
any new Events (i.e. Events that have occurred since the last time poll() was called)

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