Interface ResourceComponent<T extends ResourceComponent>

Type Parameters:
T - the parent resource component type for this component. This means you can nest a hierarchy of resource components that mimic the resource type hierarchy as defined in a plugin deployment descriptor.

public interface ResourceComponent<T extends ResourceComponent>

The plugin component that wraps a Resource. This component allows you to work with the actual resource, such as determining its availability and setting its configuration, among other things. Resource components have a lifecycle controlled by the plugin container - see start(ResourceContext) and stop().

Implementations of this interface can also implement one or more of the different functionality facets which will allow the component to support different features such as measureability, configurability and others. These functionality facets are:

Method Summary
 AvailabilityType getAvailability()
          The plugin container will occasionally call this method at the server level to see if the server is available.
 void start(ResourceContext<T> context)
          Initializes the resource component, possibly connecting to the managed resource itself.
 void stop()
          Stops the resource component, which usually indicates the plugin container itself is shutting down.

Method Detail


void start(ResourceContext<T> context)
           throws InvalidPluginConfigurationException,
Initializes the resource component, possibly connecting to the managed resource itself. The implementation can be custom to the plugin or resource, but the idea is that a resource component can create a single connection to their resource here, and maintain that connection throughout the life of the component (i.e. until the time when stop() is called).

This method typically examines the plugin configuration from ResourceContext.getPluginConfiguration() and uses that information to connect to the managed resource. If this method finds that the plugin configuration is invalid which causes the connection to the managed resource to fail, then this method should throw InvalidPluginConfigurationException. This exception typically should not be thrown if the connection failed for some reason other than an invalid plugin configuration (e.g. in the case the managed resource is simply not running now) because usually those conditions can be tracked as part of the resource's availability data.

Note that this method does not imply that the actual managed resource should be started; this only starts the plugin's resource component. To start the actual resource, plugins must utilize the OperationFacet facet to provide an operation to start it.

context - the context for this resource which includes information about the resource
InvalidPluginConfigurationException - if the resource component failed to start because it could not connect to the resource due to a bad plugin configuration
Exception - any other exception that causes the component to fail to start


void stop()
Stops the resource component, which usually indicates the plugin container itself is shutting down. This method is used to allow the component to disconnect from its managed resource and to clean up anything else as appropriate.

Note that this does not imply that the actual managed resource should be stopped; this only stops the plugin's resource component. To stop the actual resource, plugins must utilize the OperationFacet facet to provide an operation to stop it.


AvailabilityType getAvailability()
The plugin container will occasionally call this method at the server level to see if the server is available. This method is intended to attempt a remote connection to the resource. When a sever is in the down state, no other component collections will go through (TODO GH: None?, what about offline config). This also shuts down access at the child level so if a JBoss instance is down, for example, we won't try to collect metrics on an EJB running inside it. Availability for all child resources would automatically be set to down.

AvailabilityType.UP if the resource can be accessed; otherwise AvailabilityType.DOWN

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