Uses of Class

Packages that use ProcessInfo

Uses of ProcessInfo in org.rhq.core.pluginapi.inventory

Methods in org.rhq.core.pluginapi.inventory that return ProcessInfo
 ProcessInfo ResourceContext.getNativeProcess()
          Returns the information on the native operating system process in which the managed resource is running.
 ProcessInfo ProcessScanResult.getProcessInfo()
          Represents the operating system process that matched the process scan's query.
 ProcessInfo DiscoveredResourceDetails.getProcessInfo()
          Returns the information on the operating system process in which the resource is running.

Constructors in org.rhq.core.pluginapi.inventory with parameters of type ProcessInfo
DiscoveredResourceDetails(ResourceType resourceType, String resourceKey, String resourceName, String resourceVersion, String resourceDescription, Configuration pluginConfiguration, ProcessInfo processInfo)
          This creates a new instance that provides details for a newly discovered resource.
ProcessScanResult(ProcessScan scan, ProcessInfo info)

Uses of ProcessInfo in org.rhq.core.system

Subclasses of ProcessInfo in org.rhq.core.system
 class AggregateProcessInfo
          Tracks the historical usage for child processes as they come and go to give an estimation of the total resources used by a process and all its children, past and present.

Methods in org.rhq.core.system that return ProcessInfo
 ProcessInfo JavaSystemInfo.getThisProcess()
          Throws UnsupportedOperationException since the Java API cannot obtain information about currently running processes.
 ProcessInfo NativeSystemInfo.getThisProcess()
 ProcessInfo SystemInfo.getThisProcess()
          Returns the process information for the Java VM process this object is running in.

Methods in org.rhq.core.system that return types with arguments of type ProcessInfo
 List<ProcessInfo> JavaSystemInfo.getAllProcesses()
          Throws UnsupportedOperationException since the Java API cannot obtain information about currently running processes.
 List<ProcessInfo> NativeSystemInfo.getAllProcesses()
 List<ProcessInfo> SystemInfo.getAllProcesses()
          Returns the information on all processes found in the process table.
 List<ProcessInfo> JavaSystemInfo.getProcesses(String processInfoQuery)
          Throws UnsupportedOperationException since the Java API cannot obtain information about processes.
 List<ProcessInfo> NativeSystemInfo.getProcesses(String piq)
 List<ProcessInfo> SystemInfo.getProcesses(String processInfoQuery)
          Returns ProcessInfo objects for all processes that match the provided PIQL query string

Uses of ProcessInfo in org.rhq.core.system.pquery

Methods in org.rhq.core.system.pquery that return types with arguments of type ProcessInfo
 List<ProcessInfo> ProcessInfoQuery.getProcesses()
          Returns the list of all the processes that this object will query against.
 List<ProcessInfo> ProcessInfoQuery.query(String query)
          Performs a query on the set of known processes where query defines the criteria.

Constructor parameters in org.rhq.core.system.pquery with type arguments of type ProcessInfo
ProcessInfoQuery(List<ProcessInfo> processes)
          Constructor for ProcessInfoQuery given an collection of process information that represents the processes currently running.

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