Uses of Interface

Packages that use SystemInfo

Uses of SystemInfo in org.rhq.core.pluginapi.inventory

Methods in org.rhq.core.pluginapi.inventory that return SystemInfo
 SystemInfo ResourceDiscoveryContext.getSystemInformation()
          Returns a SystemInfo object that contains information about the platform/operating system that the plugin is running on.
 SystemInfo ResourceContext.getSystemInformation()
          Returns a SystemInfo object that contains information about the platform/operating system that the resource is running on.

Constructors in org.rhq.core.pluginapi.inventory with parameters of type SystemInfo
ResourceContext(Resource resource, T parentResourceComponent, ResourceDiscoveryComponent resourceDiscoveryComponent, SystemInfo systemInfo, File temporaryDirectory, File dataDirectory, String pluginContainerName, EventContext eventContext, OperationContext operationContext, ContentContext contentContext)
          Creates a new ResourceContext object.
ResourceDiscoveryContext(ResourceType resourceType, T parentComponent, ResourceContext parentResourceContext, SystemInfo systemInfo, List<ProcessScanResult> processScanResults, List<Configuration> pluginConfigurations, String pluginContainerName)
          Creates a new ResourceDiscoveryContext object.

Uses of SystemInfo in org.rhq.core.system

Classes in org.rhq.core.system that implement SystemInfo
 class JavaSystemInfo
          This is the "non-native" fallback implementation of a SystemInfo used in the case when there is no native library available that can be used to obtain low-level system information.
 class NativeSystemInfo
          The superclass for all the native SystemInfo implementations.
 class WindowsNativeSystemInfo
          SystemInfo implementation for the Microsoft Windows operating system platform.

Methods in org.rhq.core.system that return SystemInfo
static SystemInfo SystemInfoFactory.createJavaSystemInfo()
          Under some circumstances, you may want to force this factory to provide a Java-only SystemInfo implementation, regardless of whether the factory has disabled the native layer or not.
static SystemInfo SystemInfoFactory.createSystemInfo()
          Returns the appropriate SystemInfo implementation based on the platform/operating system the JVM is running on.

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