Uses of Class

Packages that use RegistryEntry.Root

Uses of RegistryEntry.Root in org.rhq.core.system

Methods in org.rhq.core.system with parameters of type RegistryEntry.Root
 List<String> WindowsNativeSystemInfo.getRegistryChildKeys(RegistryEntry.Root root, String key)
          Gets a list of all the sub-keys that are direct children of the given registry key.
 List<RegistryEntry> WindowsNativeSystemInfo.getRegistryEntries(RegistryEntry.Root root, String key)
          Gets a list of all the value entries of the given registry key.
 RegistryEntry WindowsNativeSystemInfo.getRegistryEntry(RegistryEntry.Root root, String key, String name)
          Returns a registry entry (which includes its value) where the key is located under either the LOCAL_MACHINE or CURRENT_USER root registry node.
 List<String> WindowsNativeSystemInfo.getRegistryValueNames(RegistryEntry.Root root, String key)
          Gets a list of all the names of values of the given registry key.

Uses of RegistryEntry.Root in

Methods in that return RegistryEntry.Root
 RegistryEntry.Root RegistryEntry.getRoot()
static RegistryEntry.Root RegistryEntry.Root.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static RegistryEntry.Root[] RegistryEntry.Root.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.

Constructors in with parameters of type RegistryEntry.Root
RegistryEntry(RegistryEntry.Root root, String key, String name, RegistryValue value)

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